Book Selector WoodSurrounded by Idiots book reviewBook name:Surrounded by Idiots: The Four Types of Human Behavior and How to Effectively Communicate with Each in Business (and in Life)Jan 17, 2020107Jan 17, 2020107
Book Selector WoodUnderstanding Human Nature by Alfred Adler Book ReviewDisclaimer: The version I read is a Chinese version, the original version of this story is also written in ChineseMar 31, 2020108Mar 31, 2020108
Book Selector Wood過好生活- Daniel H. Pink (丹尼爾.品克) 的 When 讀書心得When to do sth? When to attended classes? When to make decisions?Apr 12, 20202Apr 12, 20202
Book Selector WoodWhat I have learned after I read 50 book each year for like ten years?I read. I read a lot every day, every year. 50 books is like a basic amount for me, not counting those crap that I started but can’t…Apr 13, 202024Apr 13, 202024
Book Selector WoodFeel Stressful? Lets running help you solve itEveryone knows running and know it is good for our physical health. In fact is can also help enhance our mental health. Come find out how.Mar 22, 2021Mar 22, 2021
Book Selector Wood通勤書櫃-讓跑步為你解決壓力大家都知道跑步的好處很多,除了大家熟知的提高身體機能也能夠對付壓力。來看看松浦彌太郎怎麼說,還有的自己的實作經驗。Mar 22, 20211Mar 22, 20211
Book Selector Wood為你自己建立品牌經營一個好的個人品牌在現今這個年代,不論是否在經營自媒體都是一個很重要的課題。在合適的平台放出甚麼、有甚麼是不應公開的禁忌、有甚麼是不該發佈的說話等,都是令自己有一個好的品牌profile的重點。還有該作何風險管理、經營怎樣的人物、怎樣的思維模式等,都是維持個人品牌的要點。Sep 22, 202110Sep 22, 202110
Book Selector Wood7 Podcast that get me through the dayA work day is hard. Let’s not deny it. But there is always a way out. I love to read and de-stress myself. Another thing is listening to…Oct 25, 2021Oct 25, 2021
Book Selector WoodHow to THRIVE as a professional writerJust ONE book changed the way I create content for different platforms. Just the change of mind help me raise the stats and earn more…Feb 9, 20221Feb 9, 20221
Book Selector WoodHow to get more inspirationInspiration is something so important to writer but also very easy to lack. Many of us sit in front of the desk for hours to think of…Feb 18, 20221692Feb 18, 20221692
Book Selector Wood書就是最少副作用的良藥-《療癒身心的書目療法》雖然也有人持反對意見,但確實有愈來愈多人透過書目療法或寫作療法等受惠。書目療法亦成為被廣泛應用的心理治療法之一。Feb 19, 202222Feb 19, 202222
Book Selector Wood音樂治癒人心-《街角那家唱片行》這是一個關於等待、失去和失而復得的故事,是團結、寬恕和膽量的故事。也是關於音樂如何治癒人心和解決生活大小難題的故事,故事中曾提及過的音樂稍事整理就能為人處理音樂荒,為你打開一扇又一扇音樂世界的大門。Feb 26, 202220Feb 26, 202220
Book Selector WoodReview on my life after watching Netflix “Less is now”It is their story that inspires me, give me the momentum to go down this path that recently I am only walking alone without friend supportMar 5, 202229Mar 5, 202229
Book Selector Wood《書店的逆襲》, a book review《書店的逆襲》出版於2019年,長年泡在書店的我自然就不是第一次見到他了。這一次會入手,就是因為Urban Space在七分一書店中把書上架的方法令我決定購入。最後入手後24小時就完讀了,但因為內容之獨特令我用了不少時間才想到該怎麼寫。Mar 15, 202247Mar 15, 202247
Book Selector WoodWhy book is your friend in life?Why read? Because book is your best companion in life. It gives you love and success. All you need to do is start reading them.Mar 30, 202255Mar 30, 202255
Book Selector WoodHow to end procrastination with the tiniest change- A book reviewI recently read a Chinese book about ending procrastination with a tiny shift in life and at work. Let me share the amazing tricks with…Jun 5, 20223041Jun 5, 20223041