Book Selector Wood寫作於我從小我們就會因為各種原因而需要寫作,不論你喜歡與否都總會為學業和工作大量寫作過。那也許只是實用文;也許是你不忍回憶的作業廢文;也許只是工作文案,但他們都是你親手寫出來的文字,他們都會反映你的個性。同時也會顯示出你的思考迴路,看事情如何分辨緩急輕種,概括點就是你的整個世界觀。Aug 27, 20215Aug 27, 20215
Book Selector Wood4 Reasons I start to write more on TwitterI haven’t been writing here for a while. One is because I am preparing for new class enrolled, which is a postgraduate diploma. Another…Nov 5, 202151Nov 5, 202151
Book Selector WoodHow NOT to let Instagram feed drag you downI meet a small NGO that serve a good purpose. But their social media needs some help, these are some of the suggestions I made as a voluntFeb 14, 202220Feb 14, 202220
Book Selector WoodDrafts or Notes or Rely on memory?I choose drafts with NotionI was arguing with my friend about writing system. Then as I came around the sharing of Justiss Goode on what she read for the week , read…Feb 15, 2022531Feb 15, 2022531
Book Selector WoodWays I tried to earn money as freelancer.We as freelancer always trying to find more income stream to settle the bills, so we can truly be our own boss and live the life of our…Mar 27, 20221601Mar 27, 20221601
Book Selector WoodLow-budget Portfolio Building for new writerI am no expertise, I am a new writer myself. I am just sharing from a new writer perspective, with a low kickoff budget.Apr 1, 20225Apr 1, 20225
Book Selector WoodFastest way to grow as a writerDisclaimer: This is a crazy way, and will push people close to burnout. I am wrecking all my own rules. But this experience is priceless.Apr 12, 20222032Apr 12, 20222032
Book Selector WoodHow to build the best content system FREE.How to build the best content management system free, with just your Google account, and a little bit of time.May 28, 2022521May 28, 2022521
Book Selector WoodHow Medium Partnership Program Changed meAt the end of February, I finally join the Medium Partnership program. And this is how it makes me into a completely different writer.Mar 18, 20223043Mar 18, 20223043
Book Selector WoodI am completely new to Upwork, I still make $200 a weekI just started working on Up work for three months, not a long time comparing to may other people working on the platform. I didn’t have…Mar 30, 2022129Mar 30, 2022129