Fastest way to grow as a writer

Book Selector Wood
2 min readApr 12, 2022

Disclaimer: This is a crazy way, and will push people close to burnout. I am wrecking all my own rules. But this experience is priceless.

The experience is like this: has an 8 hour day job, then a freelance job. Next, be a freelance writers. To add the cherry on top, be a postgraduate student.

BOOM! You will be writing and communicating almost 24/7

And yes, any non verbal communication is a kind of writing exercise.

My day job:

It is a new job at a branding agency. I work as a copywriter and need to also work on social media managements. It is a very fast pacing environment, so pretty demanding but also the very best way to grow and excel.

I can try to write about different kinds of topics and area, with various tone in limited time. Really squeezing everything in me out, but worthwhile.

My freelance job:

Is a job that requires making connections with influencers and lots of discussion process.

Effective way to practice how to speak of official things that appeals

It is really a challenging when making templates connects with your target, hook him into collaborating with you. Even at the end of the day, collaboration cannot proceed, you need…



Book Selector Wood

Jazz lover | Digital Marketing Experts | Bibliotherapy | Reader and Writer | A daughter